60 Visibility

Muslim students house

517 Moseley Rd, Balsall Heath, Birmingham, West Midlands B12 9BX, UK
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Update information
  • 400
    Capacity men
  • WC men
  • Ablution room men
  • 150
    Capacity women
  • WC women
  • Ablution room women
  • Jumu`ah
    • Sermons
    • English
    • Arabic
  • Taraweeh
    • Lessons
    • Fiqh
    • Tajweed
    • Arabic
  • Tuesday, July 2, 2024
    • SOBH 02:57
    • DHUHR 13:17
    • ASR 17:35
    • MAGHRIB 21:36
    • ISHA 23:09