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Hourriyah Bin Haris

  • Hourriyah Bin Haris
    Salams, i am emailing you about our trip to Gaza, some of us from the 2009 first convoy to Gaza are going to Gaza around mid September,(not convoying this time but flying to Cairo),we are inviting all brothers and sisters to this meeting, the meeting for this is 17th Aug, outside lewisham Islamic center 2pm, as we are giving people time to pray before the meeting we will have the meeting at the halal cafe near buy., we will be trying to get into Gaza wile we wait for the days the Rafah border is open we will be visiting hospitals camps orphanages outside of Gaza, i have contacts in Cairo and Luxor who will take us to Palestinians locked out of Gaza to give them emotional support, me personally will be making colloidal silver for the hospitals to treat the wounded and to stop infections from dirty water, i pray people will come to the meeting support us or come with us, funding is needed for some and for as much food medical aid that we will buy in
    Cairo and walk it into Gaza, as i have mentioned some of us were there on the first 2009 convoy so we know how much and what we can take in, there is a convoy going from UK that will arrive around the same time the gates will open for this, perfect day to go in, thank you for your support. Donna El Berry. aka Hourriyah Bin Haris